Old maps, new maps...

As you will have noticed, the NOTAM maps don't work properly. (Actually they're OK, just rather murky - click the 'OK' button and they'll function just fine). This is due to 'Do No Evil' Google being a bit, er, evil. They're starting to charge for maps. They also appear to be charging 2 or 3 times for every map issued. This complicates things somewhat. My statistics indicate about 16,000 maps were issued by this website in November, but Google have issued dummy invoices for 49,000 maps... They now say that my 'free trial' is over, hence the error messages.

If I can't resolve this, the annual bill will be about £2,000, as far as I can tell, which would make the website cost me a load of money to run.

I'm looking at Boxmap as an alternative supplier. I've already converted all the non-NOTAM maps to use Boxmap instead of Google. Boxmap also charge, but have a higher free limit (50,000 maps per month), and the chargeable excess maps are a little cheaper. If they only charge me once per map, the problem is solved.

If anyone has mapping experience, and can recommend any other map supplier. I'm all ears. I have looked at OpenStreetMap, but they don't want high volume access.

In the meantime, please put up with the slightly dodgy maps :0)